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Hayden Keegan


Hayden Keegan, #52

What is your earliest memory of skating? Learn to Play Little Pens

Favorite inspirational quote?  I like the quote, "One day or day one." This can apply to almost anything in life, no matter what it is always better to start trying than do nothing.

Who has most influenced you?  Why?  My parents.  They always have supported me, which has taught me to help support others.  Without them, I don't know where I would be right now.

What are 3 songs on your playlist that get you focused before a game?  No Role Modelz-J Cole, Homecoming - Kanye West, Love Me - Lil Wayne

What's your favorite celebration move?  My favorite is probably the heartbreaker.

What is your favorite sports movie?  Miracle On Ice

What is your favorite pre-game meal?  Any type of pasta.

Any special tradition you have before games?  I always eat at around 3 hours before a game.

Who is your favorite PR teacher?  Probably Mr. Slimm.  I've had two classes with him, and he spends time coming up with things to make the classes more exciting.

What are your future plans after graduation?  Will attend Kent or Penn State, most likely for business.

Do you plan to continue playing hockey after graduation?  I might, probably on a level that's more for fun rather than competition.

What is some advice you have for current and future hockey players?  Enjoy every moment you are on the ice.

What is your favorite subject in school?  Baking

What is your best PR Hockey memory?  Probably spending time with my teammates, whether it be a game/practice, or at the picnic or winter classic.

If a movie was made about your life what actor would you like to portray you?  Tom Holland